Gopala Kovvali1, Steven Shiff2, Nitin Telang3, Kiron Das1, Yutaka Kohgo4, Satya Narayan5, Honghua Li21Crohn’s and Colitis Center of New Jersey, …
Polymorphisms of the BRAF gene predispose males to malignant melanoma
Peter Meyer1, Consolato Sergi2, Claus Garbe31Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Tuebingen, Tuebingen; Institute of Human Genetics, University Hospital of …
Cancer: A single disease with a multitude of manifestions?
Peter GrandicsA-D Research Foundation, 5922 Farnsworth Ct, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA.DOI: 10.1186/1477-3163-2-9 ABSTRACT The relationships of critical nutrients such as …
Immunohistochemical determination of HER-2/neu overexpression in malignant melanoma reveals no prognostic value, while c-Kit (CD117) overexpression exhibits potential therapeutic implications
Anil Potti1, Rachel C Hille2, Michael Koch31Department of Medicine, Division of Oncology, University of North Dakota School of Medicine, Fargo, …
Protection against diethylnitrosoamine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis by an indigenous medicine comprised of Nigella sativa, Hemidesmus indicus and Smilax glabra : a preliminary study
Samantha S Iddamaldeniya1, Nalinie Wickramasinghe1, Ira Thabrew2, Neelakanthi Ratnatunge3, Mayuri G Thammitiyagodage41Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of …
Prevalence of pesticide exposure in young males (≤50 years) with adenocarcinoma of the prostate
Anil Potti1, Amit W Panwalkar1, Eric Langness21Department of Medicine, University of North Dakota School of Medicine, Fargo, ND 58102, USA2Division …
BRCA1/2 mutation screening and LOH analysis of lung adenocarcinoma tissue in a multiple-cancer patient with a strong family history of breast cancer
Melanie Barbara Boettger1, Consolato Sergi2, Peter Meyer31Institute of Human Genetics, University of Heidelberg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany2Institute of Pathology, University of …
Ethnic differences in allelic distribution of IFN-g in South African women but no link with cervical cancer
Vandana A Govan1, Henri RO Carrara2, Johnny A Sachs3, Margaret Hoffman2, Grazyna A Stanczuk4, Anna-Lise Williamson51Division of Medical Virology, Department …
Glucocorticoid-like effects of antihepatocarcinogen Rotenone are mediated via enhanced serum corticosterone levels: Molecular Fitting and Receptor Activation Studies
Jihan Youssef1, Cem Elbi2, Barbour Warren3, David Yourtee1, Raghavendra Nagarur1, Agostino Molteni1, Michael L Cunningham4, Mostafa Badr11 University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO 641082 Laboratory of Receptor Biology …