Environmental carcinogens and their impact on human health

Rita Peila 1
1 Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, School of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea


The basic aim of this research study is measure the environmental carcinogens and determine the impact on human health. This research examines the complex strategy needed to manage and reduce these hazards in a world where environmental carcinogens are a severe health danger. The ideas highlight the value of group action in everything from strict regulatory regulations to grassroots community activities. Campaigns for public awareness are essential in enabling people to make knowledgeable decisions, while clean technology and sustainable practices help create surroundings that reduce exposure. For determine the research used E-views software and generated results including unit root test and co-integration test analysis. The overall research found environmental carcinogens' direct and significant impact on human health. The global character of environmental concerns necessitates international collaboration. Maintaining awareness and promoting ethical behavior can help us negotiate this complicated terrain and open the door to a more sustainable and healthy future

Keywords:Environmental Carcinogens (E.C.), Human Health (H.H.), Ethical Behavior (E.B.), Sustainable (S).